Sylvia: The spirit of Eatonton

  • An intricate, curved brick roof caps brick walls surrounding the entrance to a mysterious tunnel beneath the front porch of Diana and Michael Homeier’s historic home in Eatonton.
    An intricate, curved brick roof caps brick walls surrounding the entrance to a mysterious tunnel beneath the front porch of Diana and Michael Homeier’s historic home in Eatonton.
  • The Homeier’s dog, Flynn, may be Sylvia’s biggest fan, as he often sits and stares at the (seemingly?) empty staircase while wagging his tail.
    The Homeier’s dog, Flynn, may be Sylvia’s biggest fan, as he often sits and stares at the (seemingly?) empty staircase while wagging his tail.
  • Homeowner Michael Homeier opens a large trapdoor to expose a steep staircase leading to a hidden room and the entrance to the tunnel beneath Panola Hall.
    Homeowner Michael Homeier opens a large trapdoor to expose a steep staircase leading to a hidden room and the entrance to the tunnel beneath Panola Hall.
Upon closing on Panola Hall, the stately, historic home directly across Madison Avenue from the Eatonton Library, Michael Homeier says he and his wife, Diana, were informed, “And oh, by the way, you’ve also inherited a ghost.” Fortunately, the California transplants were unfazed by the news, though it perhaps did explain the “welcoming presence” Diana insists she felt upon entering the first…

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